Monday, September 17, 2012

Food: my Weakness

As you all know I LOVE food! So I thought I'd share pictures of food I have taken and eaten so you had a visual image of the heaven my taste palette is in!

Escargots with olive oil and garlic, it just melted in my mouth! Lots of work to get the little guys out of the shell but nothing good comes easily.

I love bleu (raw) burgers! Most amazing stuff ever when your burger "moos" at you!

My French "mom" is an amazing cook and I am so lucky and spoiled to have four home-cooked meals a week! 

Tartare au Saumon: it's like Salmon sashimi with herbs, so good!!!

This guy makes his own chocolate and it is just wonderful. The chocolate fountain was delicious!

My French "mom" made this GREAT salad; it had so many unique flavors that combined were wonderful! 

Did I mention I'm in cheese heaven? This is a dream come true for cheese lovers, like me. After each meal we have an array of cheeses with a baguette. I have tried so many different cheeses and the smellier the cheese the tastier it is. J'adore!

Tartare au Boeuf. Raw beef. Tasty stuff.

Dessert that melts in your mouth- cream puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and chocolate on top! But cream puffs is an inaccurate description. Great dessert!

I am just loving all the food I am eating out here! 

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